meringue.thumbnail.actions ¤
get_size ¤
Calc image size
Source code in meringue/thumbnail/
def get_size(options, max_sizes=True):
Calc image size
new_size = options[constants.PROP_NEW_SIZE]
if max_sizes:
if options[constants.PROP_MAX_WIDTH] and new_size[0] > options[constants.PROP_MAX_WIDTH]:
new_size[0] = options[constants.PROP_MAX_WIDTH]
if options[constants.PROP_MAX_HEIGHT] and new_size[1] > options[constants.PROP_MAX_HEIGHT]:
new_size[1] = options[constants.PROP_MAX_HEIGHT]
return new_size
crop ¤
Crop image
Source code in meringue/thumbnail/
def crop(image, options):
Crop image
new_size = get_size(options)
new_size = [int(new_size[0]), int(new_size[1])]
current_size = options[constants.PROP_CURRENT_SIZE]
thumb ="RGBA", size=new_size, color=options[constants.PROP_BG_COLOR])
# позиционируем новое изображение по X
if options[constants.PROP_CROP_METHOD][0] == constants.CROP_METHOD_LEFT:
x = 0
elif options[constants.PROP_CROP_METHOD][0] == constants.CROP_METHOD_RIGTH:
x = new_size[0] - current_size[0]
x = (new_size[0] - current_size[0]) / 2
# позиционируем новое изображение по Y
if options[constants.PROP_CROP_METHOD][1] == constants.CROP_METHOD_TOP:
y = 0
elif options[constants.PROP_CROP_METHOD][1] == constants.CROP_METHOD_BOTTOM:
y = new_size[1] - current_size[1]
y = (new_size[1] - current_size[1]) / 2
thumb.paste(image, (int(x), int(y)))
image = thumb
options[constants.PROP_CURRENT_SIZE] = new_size
return image
resize ¤
Resize image
Source code in meringue/thumbnail/
def resize(image, options):
Resize image
new_size = get_size(options)
current_size = options[constants.PROP_CURRENT_SIZE]
method = options[constants.PROP_RESIZE_METHOD]
strategy = options[constants.PROP_RESIZE_STRATEGY]
if method in [constants.RESIZE_METHOD_COVER, constants.RESIZE_METHOD_CONTAIN]:
# режим cover - заполнить всё новое изображение старым
if method == constants.RESIZE_METHOD_COVER:
res = max(
new_size[0] / current_size[0],
new_size[1] / current_size[1],
# режим contain - вписать изображение полностью в новый размер
elif method == constants.RESIZE_METHOD_CONTAIN:
res = min(
new_size[0] / current_size[0],
new_size[1] / current_size[1],
if strategy == constants.RESIZE_STRATEGY_DO_NOT_INCREASE_SIZE and res > 1:
# отказываем в увеличении размера
new_size = current_size.copy()
elif strategy == constants.RESIZE_STRATEGY_DO_NOT_REDUCE_SIZE and res < 1:
# отказываем в уменьшении размера
new_size = current_size.copy()
new_size = [math.floor(current_size[0] * res), math.floor(current_size[1] * res)]
else: # noqa: PLR5501
# при сжатии никак не меняем конечный размер
if strategy != constants.RESIZE_STRATEGY_STANDART:
msg = (
f"The `{constants.RESIZE_METHOD_STRETCH}` method is not compatible "
f"with the `{strategy}` strategy."
raise ActionError(msg)
new_size = [int(new_size[0]), int(new_size[1])]
if new_size[0] != current_size[0] or new_size[1] != current_size[1]:
image = image.resize(new_size, resample=Image.LANCZOS)
options[constants.PROP_CURRENT_SIZE] = new_size
return image