A package providing various utilities for Django, such as mixins, form tools, upload handlers, and more.
This library is a collection of reusable components that I frequently use across different projects. Its primary purpose is to clean up and standardize these tools, ensure they are well-tested, and provide clear documentation to make it easy for colleagues to understand and use.
However, if someone decides to use this functionality in their project, and even more so to add functionality or change the implementation to a more correct, beautiful or understandable one, I will only be happy, do not worry and feel free to write to me by mail, create an issue or pull request on github.
Read more in the documentation.
Adding new functionality. Can change.
- drf serializer serializer for automatic form generation on the front when working through rest api. (An npm package on vuejs will also be developed generating form based on response from api).
- Authorization backend for authorization by a pair of email and password.
- Functionality for working with images.
- Image editor like easy_thumbnails.
- A field for the drf serializer that returns a set of images (for example, a standard image and a double-sized image for a retina screen), as well as in different formats (for example, in the original format and in webp).
- Job chain presets
- Tests
- Docs
- Functionality similar to that described in the previous paragraph only for video.
- Functionality for loading private files available through nginx internal.
- Use Git Flow (read here and here) to resolve the versioning
- Linter with a Ruff
- Formatter with a Black
- Lint commit with Gitlint and Conventional Commits
- Documentation with mkdocs and mkdocs-material
- Testing local with hatch
- Testing in CI/CD on push
- Add mypy ???