meringue.api.handlers ¤
exception_handler ¤
Error handler returning message and error code pairs.
The handler is a wrapper over the standard handler rest_framework.views.exception_handler
Source code in meringue/api/
def exception_handler(exc, context):
Error handler returning message and error code pairs.
The handler is a wrapper over the standard handler `rest_framework.views.exception_handler`.
response = views.exception_handler(exc, context)
if response is None:
return response
if isinstance(exc, Http404 | PermissionDenied):
# django Http404 and PermissionDenied errors are substituted for drf errors,
# in `rest_framework.views.exception_handler` method. = render_error_details(["detail"])
elif DetailDictMixin and isinstance(exc, DetailDictMixin): = render_error_details(exc)
elif isinstance(exc, exceptions.APIException): = render_error_details(exc.detail)
return response